Why MWP Online?


  • Personal Trainers

    • Average 1 on 1 Personal Training Price - $50 per hour

    • Range of $15 - $100 (NSCA)

    • 3x Personal Training Sessions = $150 / week - $600 / month

    • Lacks nutritional education / goal setting / possibly education

    • No communication outside of the PT session

    • Scheduling - you are at the mercy of your PT’s schedule

    • Requires Gym Membership

  • Michael Wood Performance

    • Costs $50 per week (3 month commitment)

    • Includes full nutrition guidance and macronutrient targets

    • Monitors your daily activity.

    • Constantly adjusting based upon your results

    • Utilizes cutting edge technology to objectively measure your training

    • Constant communication increases accountability

    • Constantly learning to develop and keep up to date with current literature

    • Scheduling is not an issue - you workout whenever you want/can

    • Does not require Gym Membership (but it is preferred)

The Art

  • > 10,000 in person coaching hours training all abilities and performance goals

    • Men / Women / Boys / Girls

    • 7 - 82 age range

    • Beginners to Elite International Athletes

The Science

  • Over 10 years of studying the Physiology of Exercise:

    • Bachelors of Science - Exercise Physiology - Midwestern State University

    • Masters of Science - Exercise Physiology - Midwestern State University (ABT)

    • Masters of Science - Kinesiology - Texas Christian University

    • Licensed by the NSCA (CSCS), CSCCa (SCCC), USAW and many more.

The Application

  • MWP believes that as soon as you stop learning, you start dying. Therefore, we are constantly trying to increase our knowledge and increase the efficiency of our methods to give you a better product.

  • Combining the art, and science of training with state of the art technology to streamline your fitness experience - removing the guess work from your fitness journey.


All MWP training plans use methodologies that have been both scientifically and practically investigated. When we put together your training plan, we take into account the following parameters:

  • Training Age/Experience

  • Favorite activities/exercises/conditioning

  • Injuries/Limitations

  • Training Time

  • Facilities available

When these have been considered we use simple steps to achieve progressive overload and tax the correct energy systems to achieve the desired adaptation.

Your training program will be bespoke, and individualized to what you enjoy. Training blocks are set at four weeks in length

Your first step will be to complete a questionnaire, detailing your favorite exercises and conditioning. In some cases you will be asked to film the equipment that your gym has. If you do not want to, or dislike gyms then we can factor this into your programming.

Daily Activity - The other 23 Hours

This is the make or break piece of the fitness puzzle. Usually, fitness goals can be met by increasing your daily activity and introducing a target for calories and protein - dependent on your goals.

Training is a very small piece of your total daily energy expenditure. No matter how you look at it, one hour of training is still 1/24th of your day; 7/168 per week; or 365/8736 per year. If we only train for those 60 minutes and then are sedentary or inactive for the other 23 hours - meeting your goals is going to be challenging. By increasing your activity away from the gym (Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis or NEAT) you can take advantage of increased calories.

Energy Balance

Energy balance is the easiest fitness formula to understand.

The 10,000ft view is that it is as simple as Calories in versus. Calories out - seen below:

Weight Gain (Calorie Surplus) = Calories Consumed > Calories Expended

Weight Loss (Calorie Deficit) = Calories Consumed < Calories Expended

Monitoring your activity during the 23 hours that you aren’t training allows us to make more accurate decisions on where to take your nutritional targets (calories/macros) and makes achieving your goals more efficient. This might sound invasive, but it is as simple as wearing a watch-like device on your wrist.

It is not in the best interest of longevity and compliance to hammer long periods of conditioning on top of low calories. By understanding what is happening in your 24 hours (x7 / x365) - we can make small adjustments to your current lifestyle to make sure that your targeted intake is met.


Being a MWP member not only gives you the tools to be successful, but we also work on educating you to be your own personal trainer over time.

  • If we can’t answer one of your questions we will work diligently until we have the answer.

  • If you have an injury, or limitation we will program around these factors making sure that you can still achieve your goals without causing additional pain or discomfort. Hopefully removing all pain through the use of mobility/stability/flexibility exercises, aerobic conditioning and soft tissue preparation.

There are many different components to ‘living your best life’ and we go above and beyond to make sure you understand these components. We want to make ourselves (Personal Trainers) redundant, meaning that you have the ability to dictate your own programming and nutritional needs.

Goal Management

The majority of the population want to either lose or gain ‘weight’ - When in reality they more than likely need a combination of both - the loss of body fat and the gain in muscle.

Increased muscle mass = more calories burned, which equals more calories required to be in a deficit or at body weight maintenance. Big picture, this means that you are able to enjoy your food more and ‘push the boat out’ more often.

We work closely with you to set small obtainable goals (with rewards), that before you know it have become massive movements towards your big picture.



The one flaw of the online training process can be the lack of one to one communication and guidance. To counteract these issues MWP uses several state of the art pieces of technology. By combining the art, science and technology we are able to increase accountability and streamline the online coaching process.

All applications are available on both iOS (Apple) and Android platforms.

There are no extra costs to use these applications. In order to get the full benefit, it is recommended that a Polar Heart Rate watch/strap combination are purchased.


This application will be the home base for your strength training and conditioning

  • Records all workouts, and lets you view progress week to week (sets/reps etc).

  • Provides a live template of the lift/conditioning that you are performing

  • Access the MWP video library of exercises in real time

  • Includes the ability to record girth measurements, body fat % and weight to measure progress

  • Removes all of the guess work when performing your training sessions

Polar Flow / Fitbit / Activity Tracker

One piece of the puzzle that is often overlooked is tracking your current NEAT (non exercise activity thermogenesis). This is the amount of calories (and activity) that you perform away from the gym - which if performed correctly can increase the amount of calories you can consume per day.

Polar Flow, when coupled with a Polar wrist device will allow syncing of your daily activity with both MyFitnessPal and the MWP app.

  • Track all daily activity objectively - so you can accurately measure your output

  • Measure sleep quality and duration - a factor in body composition changes

  • Accurately measure the caloric expenditure of training sessions to remove guess work

  • Can also use Fitbit or similar tracking device instead of Polar Branded products


This application will be your go to when recording what food you are consuming, a digital food diary. By using a digital food logging app, the guess work is removed, increasing the objectivity and accuracy of your training plan; increasing your chances of success.

  • Automatically breaks down what you are eating into macro-nutrients (Carbohydrates/Fats/Protein)

  • Makes meeting your macros very easy and obtainable, with targets for you to meet.

  • Comes with a bar code scanner, and food database to search what you are consuming


This app will be your direct line of communication with one of our coaches.

  • There is no such thing as a ‘silly question’.

  • 24/7 round the clock communication to answer your training and nutrition needs.

The Process

1. Fill out your information below:

2. Complete the MWP Pre-Participation Questionnaire

  • You will be emailed shortly after submitting your information, with the questionnaire

  • Make a short 2 minute video introducing yourself, and your fitness goals.

  • Make a brief video of your training environment (gym/home etc.)

3. Decide on a payment strategy:

  • $600 - 3 Months (12 weeks).

  • $2000 - 12 Months.

4. Receive App Access, and Receive Your Program

  • MWP App - Lifting & Progress Check Ins, complete with lifting videos

  • Polar Flow - To Track Activity & Heart Rate Conditioning (*HR purchased separately)

5. Take ‘Before’ photos, weigh in and body measurements

  • A complete guide on how to take consistent measurements will be provided

6. Begin the new chapter of your fitness journey

  • With Unlimited communication via WhatsApp

  • Regular reassessments of weight, girth measurements and goals

  • As you reach your targets, your programming and nutritional guidance will adapt also


What This System IS NOT

  • A one size fits all training / nutrition plan.

  • A 4 week - lose “X lbs” / “X BF%”

  • A get fit fast program / quick pill fix.

  • A crash diet, or a type of diet (zone/whole 30/keto/low carb etc.)

Please note:

Results may vary and are highly individual, however success is highly correlated with consistency.

We will never promise a time frame or period of time to achieve your desired results.

This system is a process to develop strong habits and education over time, investing in you.

If you have any questions, please contact us